Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, apologised on Saturday to the residents of Egra region in the state's Purba Medinipur district for the explosion at an illegal fireworks factory that left 12 people dead and several more injured.
The leader of the Trinamool Congress further said that the event would have been avoided if the intelligence had been used effectively when he arrived in Khadikul village 11 days after the explosion.
I will sorry for the event (the explosion at the illegal fire factory on May 16) and lower my head before you. After presenting compensation checks to the families of those killed and wounded in the incident, Banerjee remarked, “Had the intelligence functioned effectively, this disaster may have been avoided.
She also gave one member of each family of the victims of the May 16 explosion appointment letters as “home guards.”
Banerjee encouraged the locals to alert the local police if they come across any such units in operation and said that two members of the family of the main offender, the owner of the illegal factory, had been detained.
H K Dwivedi, the state's chief secretary, is with the chief minister of Bengal.