Powerstar Pawan Kalyan will appear in the forthcoming Samuthirakani flick Bro. Sai Dharam Tej also plays the lead in the movie. The film's creators have now launched a new poster featuring the actor playing Virupaksha. His uncle Pawan Kalyan, whose promotional poster was shown last week, will be his coworker.
In the ad, Sai Dharam Tej could be seen striding while wearing an all-white outfit, a clock behind him, and the words BRO inscribed in time. According to rumors, the movie is a Telugu adaptation of Vinodhaya Sitham by Samuthirakani. The god of time in the Tamil movie from 2021 was Samuthirakani, and the accident victim Thambi Ramaiah was given a second shot at life.
While Sai Dharam will play Mark, also known as Markandeyulu, a variation of the part performed by Thambi Ramaiah in the original film, Pawan Kalyan will be seen playing the role of Samuthirakani in the Telugu adaptation.
On Twitter, the film's creators posted the character poster for Said Dharam. They said, “MARK has entered. The #IntroducingMARK from #BroTheAvatarv @PawanKalyan @thondankani @MusicThaman @vishwaprasadtg @vivekkuchibotla @bkrsatish @TheKetikaSharma @NavinNooli @ZeeStudios_ @zeestudiossouth presents @IamSaiDharamTej as “MARKANDEYULU”
They had previously posted a motion poster that showed Pawan Kalyan's role in the movie. The video featured power sensation Pawan Kalyan in full swag and had Sanskrit background music. In the video, Kalyan is completely covered in black, creating a stance, and staring down as the word BRO is inscribed.
The film's female protagonists, in addition to these celebrities, are Ketika Sharma and Priya Prakash Varrier. The production also has significant roles for Samuthirakani, Rohini, Rajeswari Nair, Raja, Thanikella Bharani, Vennela Kishore, Subbaraju, Prudhvi Raj, Narra Srinu, Yuva Lakshmi, Devika, Ali Reza, and Surya Srinivas.
Filmmaker Trivikram wrote the script and the dialogue, while TG Vishwa Prasad of People Media Factory and Zee Studios produced the movie. Thamam S is responsible for the soundtrack, while Sujith Vasudev is in charge of the filming. The movie is expected to open in theaters on July 28, according to rumors.