A couple from opposite worlds, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha, took a big step in their love on Saturday when they got engaged in a traditional ceremony conducted at Delhi's Kapurthala House. Only close friends and family members were there for the private gathering, which saw the marriage of the two people. They used the occasion to thank everyone who had been kind to them and supported them over the previous several weeks building up to their engagement. They specifically praised the media for covering them favorably and being there all the time.
“Raghav and I are overwhelmed with the love and abundance of positivity we have received over the past few weeks, particularly on our engagement,” Parineeti and Raghav's statement says. We both come from separate worlds, therefore it's incredible to think that when we come together, our worlds will also come together. More than we could have ever anticipated, we have expanded our family. We are very moved by all we have read and witnessed, and we want to express our gratitude to you all. We set out on this trip certain that you are all with us. A big thank you to our wonderful media buddies. We appreciate you being there all day and supporting us.
Parineeti and Raghav emerged from the venue after the engagement ceremony to meet the waiting photographers. Their joy was evident as they smiled for the cameras. The shine of their engagement rings caught the light as they clasped hands. Their beaming grins conveyed a contented feeling of certainty that they were starting a wonderful adventure together.
Despite being well-known individuals in their respective occupations, Parineeti and Raghav were able to keep their budding relationship under wraps until they made the decision to announce their engagement. Many people were captivated by their love story and felt a connection that cut across their disparate cultures.